
How can I find out my TV Licence number?

Take a look at the information below to help you find your TV Licence number.

If you get TV Licensing reminders by email

Our email reminders show you your TV Licence number. Just search your emails from 'donotreply@tvlicensing.co.uk'.

Where to find your licence number

How to tell if an email you’ve received is genuine and not a scam

If you pay by Direct Debit

You can find your 10-digit TV Licence number on your current TV Licence or on your bank statements, as well as any letters or emails we've sent you.

where to find your licence number

Some banks show your TV Licence number alongside your payment on your statements. If you’re viewing your statement through an app on a mobile or tablet device the licence number may not be shown.

where to find your licence number on your bank statements
If you pay the full licence fee in one go

You can find your 10-digit TV Licence number on your current TV Licence, as well as any letters or emails we've sent you.

where to find your licence number
If you pay by payment or savings card

You can find your 9-digit Customer number on your payment or savings card or your 10-digit TV Licence number on your current TV Licence, as well as any letters or emails we've sent you.

where to find your licence on your payment card

Still don't know your licence number?

Sign into your TV Licence

General information about TV Licensing is available in other languages: